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Scan options: Scan Extensions: Image indexing options

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  • Scan options: Scan Extensions: Image indexing options

    When for a given image file type you assign a value to the option "Only index images larger than x kilobytes" in the "Image indexing options" dialog in the "Scan option" page, "Scan Extensions" area, the assigned value applies to all image file types, not just the one you opened the dialog box for.

    If this behavior is not a bug, then the GUI should at least return a warning message. The help system should be updated as well to point this out. Ideally, the setting should be moved from its current location in the dialog box, to a higher level GUI element, such as the "Scan options" page.

  • #2
    Correct, that behaviour is not a bug and is behaving as intended.

    Note that when you click on "Configure" for each of the extensions under "Scan Extensions", the options window that appear is for the selected "File Type", not the selected "Extension".

    Multiple extensions can be specified for any particular "File Type". But there is only a singular set of options for a particular "File Type".

    Note that this is the case for all the settings in each of these windows, not just the "Only index images larger than x kilobytes" setting. So it wouldn't make sense to move that out.

    Having said that, I agree we can certainly clarify this better in the Help system and documentation.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      Thanks for the clarification Ray. I was indeed associating the dialog "Image indexing options" with the extension, and not the file type.
      Replacing "Image indexing options" with "Indexing options for all images" or "Indexing options for all image file-types" would be a helpful reminder.

