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Basic categories question

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  • Basic categories question


    I have an index that searches through a folder and various subfolders starting at


    This is running IIS and is accessed by viewing http://bwbnet/docs

    In the folder 'root' there is a folder called 'Precedents' and I want anything in this folder to be in a category called 'Precedents'. For the pattern that I want to match should I be entering '\docs\root\precedents' or 'http://bwbnet/docs/root/precdents' or something else entirely?

    For the search form do I have to have a radio button or tick box? Tick boxes would be better I think as eventually I may have more than one category and would want the user to be able to select multiple categories. At the moment I have a custom search form that looks like this:

    <body topmargin="3" leftmargin="3" bgcolor="FFFFCC">
    <form method="get" action="search/search.asp" target="main">
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
    <tr><td rowspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
    <td align="right">
    <input type="text" name="zoom_query" size="20" />
    <input type="submit" value="Search" />
    <font face="verdana" size="2">Results per page:</font> <select name='zoom_per_page' style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px">
    <option selected="selected">10</option>
    <option >20</option>
    <option >100</option>
    <tr><td align="right">
    <font face="verdana" size="1">
    Match: <input type="radio" name="zoom_and" value="0" checked="checked">
    any search words <input type="radio" name="zoom_and" value="1">
    all search words

    I know how to add a tick box to an HTML form but am not sure how to put it in in a way that will talk to the zoom search results. Sorry if this is a really basic question I am struggling to get hang of it!

    Thanks very much


  • #2
    If you are indexing in offline mode, then the pattern should be,

    There is no simple way to add tick boxes for categories in Zoom V4. In Zoom V4, you have to have a drop down list and only 1 selection is possible. See the PassMark Search page for an example.

    By default Zoom will automatically generate the required drop down list to match your categories.

    In V5 there are improved search categories. So this will all change. You can search for multiple categories via a checklist from the search form but the old dropdown categories is also still available. V5 is in beta release at the moment.


    • #3
      Thanks for this I think I've got it sorted. Just one more question - is there a way of making it so if a file contains a certain word then it goes in a certain category or is the pattern match only done on the file path?

      For example all our members of staff have a page about them on our intranet - the one thing they all have in common is the contain the word 'Qualifications'. However the file names are just their names followed by .htm.

      Thanks very much



      • #4
        No, there is no option to put files into categories based on key words in their content. The pattern matching is only done against the URL.

        In V5 you can use meta data to do this however. By using the ZOOMCATEGORY meta tag you can override the URL/filename pattern. See the improved search categories post for details.

