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Using titles in links when searching files

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  • Using titles in links when searching files

    On the site I am indexing I have a number of pages with links to word files.

    <a href="file123.doc">Design Meeting minutes for July 2008 AGM</a> ...
    <a href="file456.doc">Detailed design for project - July 2008</a> ...

    I would like to search the title of the document as it is defined in the links. The files in the links will mostly have the title towards the top of the document but in many cases the title provided in the link is more informative.

    I would like to put together a title search that will come back with the document as a hit. Is there a way of associating the title in the link to the document it is linking to? Is there a ZOOM tag that may help?


  • #2
    For Word documents the title used in the search results comes from within the document itself.

    Your suggestion of using the link text doesn't always work that well.

    Example code 1:
    <p>Clink on <a href="file123.doc">this</a> word document.</p>

    Example code 2:
    <p>This is the <a href="file123.doc">First link</a> to word document.
    This is the <a href="file123.doc">Second link</a> to the same word document.</p>

    Both of these common examples lead to meaningless or ambiguous titles.

    So I would suggest you set the title in the Word document. If you can't set it in the Word document because ,for example, it is password protected, then you can use a '.desc' file.

